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The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

The Birth Of Prosperous Thinking
Sale price$20.95

THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY is the result of several financial recessions and many years of lean living. For fifteen years Catherine Ponder tried to find such a book like this with more than just “quick-fix” suggestions. During those years of searching she found many books which gave various success ideas, but in none of them did she find a set of compact, simple laws for assuring success. As a widow with a small son to raise and educate, she experienced depression, ill health, loneliness, financial lack and a sense of complete fail­ure.

Finally, when she was at her lowest point, she learned about the power of thought as an instrument for success or failure. She soon came to realize that failure is basically the result of failure thinking and through the right use of her mind, her thoughts could become the key to healthy, happy, prosper­ous, successful living . . . and that’s when the tide began to change!

While prosperous thinking means many things to people, basically it gives you the power to make your dreams come true, whether those dreams are concerned with better health, increased financial success, a hap­pier personal life, more education and travel, or a deeper spiritual life.

You are prosperous to the degree that you are ex­periencing peace, health, and plenty in your world.

THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY plainly shows how prosperous thinking has helped people in every walk of life to experience these results. Furthermore, it shows how prosperous thinking can do these things for you, too! As you read this book, chapter by chapter, you will automatically begin to develop the power of prosperous thinking and, almost as easily, you can begin to reap a harvest of prosperous results.

Imagine sitting in the lap of your favorite grandparent and learning the secrets to a magnificent, abundant life. Catherine Ponder writes in such a loving gentle way. The secrets she reveals are not secrets at all but universal truths for health, love, success and peace. As she explores these dynamic laws of prosperity she shares actual success stories to help those of us who are uncertain. There is no flowery prose here. Just plenty of practical advice for using Divine power to overcome difficulties and achieve happiness. Everyone can benefit from this book.

First published in 1962, and revised and updated by the author in 1984, THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY presents basic laws of prosperity in clear language for the modern reader.

The Birth Of Prosperous Thinking

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The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity Sale price$20.95
Catherine Ponder

About Author

Catherine Ponder

Catherine Ponder is considered one of America’s foremost inspirational authors. She has written more than a dozen books, which includes her bestselling classic, THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY (DeVorss Publications, 1962). She is a minister of the nondenominational Unity faith – long known as “the pioneer of positive thinking” – and has been described by some as “the Norman Vincent Peale among women ministers.” She has served in Unity Churches since 1956 and heads a global ministry in Palm Desert, California.