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It Works - Original Edition

The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!
Sale price$4.00

IT WORKS presents a concise, definite plan for bettering your conditions in life. It shows you how to use the Mighty Power within that is anxious and willing to serve you if you know how to use it.

IT WORKS shows you how. All scientific, psychological, and theological explanations are eliminated. Three hundred pages are boiled down to ten minutes of interesting facts, a definite plan, and three short rules of accomplishment. Don’t let your worldly, objective mind keep you from more prosperity and happiness any longer.

Test the power of this simple book that defies tradition and experience. Millions have tried the plan it presents and know in truth that IT “DOES” WORK.

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It Works - Original Edition
It Works - Original Edition Sale price$4.00

About Author

R.H. Jarrett

Simply known as RHJ.
Knowing that the greatest good comes from helping others without expecting praise, the author of this work has requested that his name be omitted.


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"Since using It Works! in our agent training program, we have noticed a dramatic increase in motivation and performance, and a steady surge in sales that bucks all the downtrends. Please keep it in print."

Stacy York, Vice-President, Pan-Desert Realtors Association, Palm Springs, CA

"It Works! has been a proven training adjunct at Shawmut-Bridges Equities for almost a decade."

Kevin Griffin, Shawmut-Bridges Equities, Boston, MA