
The Impersonal Life

DeVorss Publications
Pocket Paperback 256 pg | 1949
Subject: Inspiration & Mysticism
ISBN: 9780875163017

The Impersonal Life is one of the key books written on the topic of self-discovery and leading a spiritual life. The author penned this book in the early 20th century, and it has been a popular title among millions of readers since. One of the most notable fans of The Impersonal Life was Elvis Presley who often throughout his life publicly credit this work with his success after discovering this work and applying its teachings to his own life. The Impersonal Life is highly recommended for those who are interested in learning how to lead a spiritual life and are in the process of self-discovery.

FROM THE AUTHOR: I AM the Tree of Life within you. My Life will and must push forth, but It will do it by gradual and steady growth. You cannot come into your fruitage before you have grown to it. Remember, My Life is all the time building you up into the perfection of health and strength and beauty, that must express outwardly as It is even now expressing within. You who have begun to realize I AM within, but have not yet learned to commune with Me, listen and learn now.

A note from the author

“Now that you are ready to hear the law, here are the words that everyone can understand. Note these words and let them impress themselves on you, so that from this moment ever afterward they will live in your mind as a guiding influence. WHATEVER YOU THINK AND HOLD IN CONSCIOUSNESS AS BEING SO, MANIFESTS ITSELF IN YOUR BODY OR AFFAIRS. Whether you accept this or not, consider for a while the truth that every thought you think, especially those relating in any way to self, hovers around in your mental atmosphere just as a child stays close to its parent. These thoughts being about yourself receive the life that maintains them from the feeling that you put into them.”

Inspiration & Mysticism