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Exclusively Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

The publishing rights to the original DeVorss Publications hardcover edition, first released in 2000, were acquired by Little, Brown. With over 2 million copies sold, this accessible, bestselling picture book phenomenon about the unbreakable connections between loved ones has healed generations of children and adults alike. An updated hardcover edition released September 5, 2023 and can be found by searching for The Invisible String.

Patrice Karst

About Author

Patrice Karst

Patrice Karst is a best-selling author of both adult and children's books, teacher, guide, mother and popular speaker whose books have been translated worldwide. One of today's most well-loved inspirational voices, she offers simple guidance about strengthening our relationship with Spirit/God by combining her study of global spiritual practices with a powerful, forthright and down-to-earth style. Using her entertaining unique blend of humor, honest and audience interaction she shares her message of hope, love and comfort to appreciative audiences everywhere.

Love, and the needs of the heart are something Karst understands well. She has made a literary career out of addressing in warm and humorous prose the issues that tickle or trouble our souls, both spiritually and practically. Her audiences, readers and worldwide fans delight in the truth of her promise and ability to “always keep it real".

Patrice Karst is the author of the phenomenal bestselling children's book, The Invisible String, which has sold over 2 Million copies. It is the story of the String (made out of love) that connects us all.

She is also the author of: “The Smile That Went Around the World” (ISBN# 9780875168753; published by DeVorss & Company).

She has also written:  The Invisible Leash:  A Story Celebrating Love After the Loss of a Pet; The Invisible Web: A Story Celebrating Love and Universal Connection, You Are Never Alone: An Invisible String Lullaby and a therapeutic activity book, co-written with Dana Wyss, Ph.D., The Invisible String Workbook : Creative Activities to Comfort, Calm and Connect.

All of Patrice’s books carry the universal theme of LOVE and her books have been translated worldwide. She is passionate about spreading her message across the planet.

Born in London, England, Patrice now lives at the beach in Southern California, and is the mother of one grown son. She invites you to visit her online at