Emmet Fox

Be Still, No. 10



DeVorss Publications
Pamphlet 19 pg | 1934
Subject: Prayer; Body, Mind, Sprit
ISBN: 9780875167442

The Bible teaches spiritual Truth in many different ways. Each chapter gives direct and simple teachings of the Truth, unsurpassed in any other work. But it is in its prayers and treatments that the Bible is transcendent. Among all the beautiful and heart-searching prayers, there is none that surpasses the wonderful and inspiring 46th Psalm.

About Author

Emmet Fox

Emmet Fox, who lived from 1886 to 1951, was born in Ireland. His father was a member of parliament, and Mr. Fox studied electrical engineering in England. In his early adulthood, Emmet Fox became interested in spirituality. Around 1930, he moved to the United States, and soon thereafter began lecturing on spiritual themes in New York City. Emmet Fox is the author of the famous Sermon on the Mount and many other books on spirituality. He is credited with serving as a major inspiration for the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). His writings are often classified as “New Thought."

Emmet Fox