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Hidden Power for Human Problems

The 7 "Parent" Thoughts Behind All Human Problems And How To Overcome
Sale price$16.95

One of only seven "Parent" thoughts lies behind every single human problem.  This book exposes these "Parent" thoughts and their many dreadful "children".  It is extraordinarily helpful to know how to identify the parent thought hidden behind whatever the problem by tracing the "child" back to the "parent".

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Hidden Power for Human Problems
Hidden Power for Human Problems Sale price$16.95

About Author

Dr. Frederick Bailes

Dr. Frederick Bailes was born into a family of pioneers in New Zealand and was educated to be a medical missionary. Just as he was completing his training he was found to have diabetes, a so-called “incurable” condition, which prevented him from entering his work. Shortly afterward, he came across the writing of Judge Thomas Troward and began to develop a philosophy for living which led to his complete recovery long before the discovery of insulin. Later, as a student at a large London hospital, Dr. Bailes closely observed the mental factors which entered into the recovery of patients and noticed that certain fundamental thought-patters invariable produced bodily reactions. By stimulating his patients causative mental patterns toward healing, Dr. Bailes soon found remarkable results.