An Interview With
Dennis Merritt Jones
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Mindful, Peaceful, Empathic.
What or who do you go to for inspiration when writing?
My Inner Muse; Intuition, and Infinite Intelligence. I also look at the news headlines from around the world; they are a great way to tap into the needs of humankind.
How important is self-love to you and why?
Self love means different things to different people. To me, self love is actualized through non-judgment, patience, self-forgiveness and humility. It is crucial if one wishes to access the authentic voice within.
How do you recharge when drained?
I practice mindfulness, meditation, seek solitude and silence, drink lots of water, and exercise; lots of exercise—in that order. In addition, I am not afraid to say I have learned the value of taking a mid-day nap.
How often do you struggle to take your own advice?
Is this a trick question? Every day! As long as I can keep Mr. Ego in check, stay teachable, and listen to my higher self, I am good to go.
How would you like to be remembered?
On my gravestone (beyond “to be continued”), I would like it to say, “He mattered the planet is better because he was here.” The ripple effect is the intentional movement of energy that goes beyond our own time.
Why is helping people with fear so important to you?
We all share the same name; Human Being. Therefore, we all share the same energetic field (i.e., Collective Consciousness) based on that oneness.
Fear is a universal reality deeply embedded in the collective mind of humankind and it’s never going to go away (nor should it)—so why not learn how to live in a manner that transcends our Fears? There’s not one person (or creature) who, in their life, has not experienced the debilitating effects of Fear. This, of course, includes me. Writing “When Fear Speaks Listen...” is my effort to offer a tool that helped me immensely in learning how, not to just mitigate the Fears in my life but to transcend them.
What is your research process like?
I begin and project with a simple prayer: “What does the world need to know now to heal itself? Then I open to being the vessel through which that information flows with grace and ease. Then I set up files on my computer to log ideas as they flow into my mind and heart and onto the computer. The practice holds great significance and the results never fail to astonish me.
In your book, you discuss the 7 Messengers of Fear, which of these has affected your life the most?
To be clear, universally, there are far more than Seven Messengers of Fear that call on people around the world daily. The Seven Messengers I share are the ones most familiar to me and millions of others as well. So, irrespective of the number of Fears humans experience, the key is to remember that they all originate from one singular place: every Fear we’ll ever experience draws its life-force from our concern of loss. The Seven Messengers I feature in the book are Anger, Worry, Judgement, Selfishness, Shame, Loneliness, and Uncertainty. It would be difficult to say which of these Messengers affected me the most because they all contributed to my ultimate wellbeing, success, and happiness. In truth, they helped shape who I am today. This is the value to be found in “When Fear Speaks Listen...”
How have your life experiences contributed to your writing?
If we are conscious and aware, every experience we have contains information to add to our “Wisdom Bank” from which one day we withdraw the memories and lessons that apply in the here and now.
What kind of audience do you intend to reach?
I don’t know one person who isn’t affected by Fear of some sort—so, the answer is, everyone! If you are living in a human skin and wish to learn how to transcend your Fears, this book has your name on it! For people who feel like Fear isolates them or believe it is an unpleasant obstacle that impedes their forward movement in Life..this book is for you.
Can you share a reader testimonial about your work?
Sure—here are several:
“Captivating and empowering the reader to live a life of courage. I can feel the change within. Expert guidance to unlock your true potential. I will be giving my patients copies for years to come.” ~ Michelle Briggs, PMHNP-BC (Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner- board certified)
“The 7 Messengers of Fear can be among our greatest teachers when we learn to face them and listen to what they have to share. On the other side of your greatest Fears lie a life of freedom, authentic power, and inner peace. With a style of writing that is clear and a structure that is creative and informative, this book will take you there.” ~ Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell, Spiritual Leader, The Unity Center
When did you know this book needed to be written?
I have known it for over 40 years. It just took this long to download the information from Infinite Intelligence and put it into words. In one regard I suppose I wasn’t yet ready to listen to the wisdom being offered. As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” I guess I was finally ready. Now Is the time for the world to read this book.
Is this book about loving yourself, loving others, or both?
Of course, the answer is both. In truth, there is only One of us here, so to love ourselves is to love others as well. In a sacred and spiritually centric Universe, it could be no other way. Who among us is not worthy of transcending the Fears that have kept us in the shadows of life for far too long? This book is about accessing true freedom and celebrating the life we’ve been given. Love always points the way.
What one thing do you want your readers to learn from you?
It’s never too late to have a “do-over” in your life. You just need to face your own BS (Belief System) with a willingness to challenge what is no longer working for you—to know that your future doesn’t have to be defined or determined by your past. Now is the time to dance with your Fears and listen to what they have to say—they are there to help you transcend the old and create a NEW you.
Do you think everything has truly already been said before? If so, how would you stand out among other authors?
Firstly, I try to lace my ideas with authenticity and humor because it makes it easier to embrace sensitive topics such as Fear. Since we all draw our ideas from the same creative mind of Infinite Intelligence, there probably is nothing new under the sun. Because we are all individual outlets for the same one source, it’s how we interpret the information and convert it through our own consciousness that makes it unique and new. Since there is only one of me, paradoxically, just like everyone else, I am unique. What I think, say, and do is merely my interpretation of ideas that have been floating in the Ethers for eons—and, therefore, are accessible to us all. The law of attraction will draw those to my book, who already vibrate with the ideas contained therein. I am reminding the readers of what they already know, but need to hear through the filter of my one-of-a-kind consciousness.
What do you think is the best form of education, meaning what is the best way a person can learn how to create a better life?
As I share throughout the book, Fear was my constant companion growing up, and it immobilized me; it kept me from enjoying much of my early years. Creating a “better life” never occurred to me. I was too busy trying to avoid, outrun, or slay my Fears. By the time I was a young adult, the only way to transcend the many Fears that I had breathed the life into was to face them and learn why they were shadowing me. After countless conversations with a plethora of Fears what I learned is that they are not there to scare us but to guide and protect us.
What is one change people could make to have a better life?
To “change” their minds; to have the courage and clarity to examine their own beliefs and challenge and change to ones that don’t help create a life worth living. This can happen only when we learn how to face our fears and listen to the wisdom they have to share.
What is the biggest problem with relationships in the modern age?
Fear, in its many disguises. Yes—read the book. Seriously, most of the problems in our relationships arise from fear of some sort; a lack of transparencies, honesty, and a fear of not being heard, which results in anger, resentment, worry, loneliness, etc. Everyone is preoccupied with looking at their cell phones rather than into one another’s eyes and connecting. Relationships are like vessels; each one carries those on board to a point of common destination. Understanding and transcending the Fears that create turbulence along the way makes the journey well worth the effort.
What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?
I am not attached to their “reactions”—but I would love to see them “respond” in a manner that reflects an embodiment and realization of the wisdom to be found in “When Fear Speaks Listen...”. Writing this book is my way of saying “you are not alone.” If even one idea resonates with them and it enhances their lives, the world instantly becomes a better place. That is the sole/soul reaction I would love to witness.
If you could tell everyone in the world one sentence from your book, what would it be?
Easy enough:
“Fear is not our enemy. It is a messenger sent to get our attention and then guide and guard us—to keep us alive and safe ... Instead of running from Fear, we need to confidently stand up to it, listen to it, and face it straight on. The new acronym for FEAR? Face Everything And Rethink.”
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